Using machines to milking.

 The proper method must be utilised in order to get all of the benefits of machine milking. The machines must be familiar to the milkers. If the buffaloes or goat or cows are terrified or uncomfortable, they will withhold milk, resulting in a lower production. This will result in financial loss for the farmer, and he will eventually lose faith in machine milking.

  • Under the guidance of an expert, the notion of machine milking should be introduced gradually and by people that the cattle are familiar with and trust.

A representative from the milking machine company should train the milkers. This individual is well-versed in milking biology, machine milking, and the design, operation, and maintenance of Portable dairy cow milkers


  • Introduction methods, milking routine, machine handling, cleaning and maintenance, as well as specific features of the machine's day-to-day servicing should all be covered in the training.
  • Installation of the milking machine, as well as any other changes to the dairy farm, should be completed well ahead of the switch to machine milking.
  • It is best to begin with heifers because they are simpler to acclimate to machine milking than older cattle.
  • Calm animals that are used to being milked by hand should be chosen. In terms of structure and size, the animals' udders and teats should be uniform. Cattle in heat, animals in poor condition, or animals with a history of being let down should not be chosen.


              Mitty Supply is a dairy supply firm that specialises in milking solutions for small and medium-sized dairy farms. We modify the equipment to meet the needs of our customers and animals. We love, respect, and understand animals, and we do everything we can to protect them. Our materials are of the highest quality to ensure the animal's comfort during the milking process and to supply you with clean, rich milk. For detail visit our website at


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